Guaranteeing Access to Underserved and Marginalized Populations by Building Employment Opportunities (GUMBO)

GUMBO is a workforce development initiative that aims to address the urgent need for skilled EV charging equipment installation and operations technicians. The initiative will support the growth of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and will provide a path to high-demand credentials in EV charging equipment installation, operations, and maintenance for underrepresented and under-supported populations.
Led by Louisiana Clean Fuels, a Clean Cities Coalition based in Baton Rouge, EV charger technician training will be developed by Baton Rouge Community College (BRCC) with the help of Cerritos College in California and ChargerHelp! Initially, the training will be included in the curricula at BRCC and then will be implemented in other areas of the country, including North Texas. Topics covered in the training will include EVs and batteries, electrical energy, fundamentals of electrical codes and safety, charging stations and EVSE, preventative maintenance, corrective maintenance, EVSE commissioning, and industry standards.
As a partner in this project, Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities will engage local community-based organizations, community colleges and workforce development programs to include the curriculum in community colleges in North Texas and engage underrepresented and under-supported populations to participate in this training.
If you would like to become involved or add this curriculum to your community college, please email cleancities@nctcog.org.